
Toxicologic department of German Hospital treats any type and level of acute intoxications. Patients being diagnosed and treated with the highest level of German and Georgian doctors. 


Intoxications are mostly caused by:


  • Medicines (drugs, phycotrophic, analgesic, antihypertensive, cardiac and other means)

  • Alcohol (ethanol, ethyl spirits, propanol and etc.)

  • Poisonous gases (chloryl , Ftor, Hydrogen sulfide, Carbon dioxide, etc.)

  • Plant Poisons (mushrooms, nightshade and etc) 

  • Animal poisons ( Reptiles - snakes and etc, arthropods - scorpions, spiders and etc)

  • Household chemicals ( disinfection cleaning corrosive acids and alkalis, oil products - naphthalene, kerosene, etc.)

  • Industrial chemical substances (metals - Lead, chromium, copper and their components) 

  • Agricultural poisons ( Insecticides-Phosphorongan, Carbamate, Herbicides, Fungicides, Rodenticides and other types of pesticides)

  • Non-organic substances - Arsenic, phosphorus and their components)

German Hospital